El directo de Instagram de ayer sábado 04 de septiembre del escritor Miguel Ángel Hernández, tocando el piano.
El canal de Youtube Elvis back on tour, en el que un padre y su hijo (Jay & Michael) se dedican a recorrer los Estados Unidos visitando los lugares donde actuó Elvis Presley entre 1969 y 1977, comparando las imágenes de la actualidad con las imágenes de los shows originales de El Rey. Aquí.
La canción de The Parrots, «Lo dejaría todo», tercer adelanto de su último disco. Un tema sobre la nostalgia, con un dulce saxo melancólico y lánguido, cuyo vídeo firma el director Martin Rietti.
El artículo de Emily Stochl para Bookriot, «How to start a bookmobile», en el que entrevista a Hilary Atleo, la dueña de Iron Dog Books, la primera librería móvil moderna de Vancouver, sobre el proceso de construcción de un tienda de libros móvil. Aquí.
Un extracto:
«According to Atleo, the most essential consideration in the build process is function. It is very difficult and costly to make changes once the truck is built. She recommends owners consider the following questions before the build:
- How will the space work at a crowded event?
- Where do customers enter the shop? Where do customers exit?
- Where do you expect to take payments? Are you going to have a cash drawer? A counter?
- Where are you going to put books that are waiting to be reshelved?
- Where are you going to store miscellaneous supplies?
- Will the shop have a heating system? A cooling system?
For example, the Iron Dog Books truck has two doors for entering and exiting, because with only one door the truck felt claustrophobic. The truck’s register is located immediately to the right of the main entrance, which allows sellers to ring up customers either inside or outside the door of the truck. The truck has two different sizes of shelving, one size for oversized books (like picture, art, and cookbooks) and one for standard trade paperbacks and hardcovers. Atleo says, “all of these choices are the result of a lot of discussion with the carpenter about my goals for the bookmobile, and the restrictions of an 80 square foot step van.”
La entrevista de Javier Aznar al escritor y periodista Antonio Agredano en su podcast Hotel Jorge Juan, a cuenta de su novela Prórroga (Panneka, 2021). Aquí.