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#5cosas por las que ha merecido la pena estar vivo esta semana (68)


El poema de Mario Montalbetti «Disculpe, ¿es aquí la tabaquería?» de Huir no es mejor plan (Mansalva, 2017).

Dice así:

«Nadie dice todo. Nadie dice nada.

Lo deseable es decir poquísimo.

Callar no es más radical.

Callar es como raparse la cabeza:

el pelo vuelve a crecer.

Pero decir poquísimo, decir lo mínimo

que uno puede decir,

eso es lo que nos permite decir algo.»




La versión del tema «Me gustas tanto», de Miranda, junto al grupo Sidonie.




La obra «El juego de las probabilidades» (2007), de Óscar Muñoz.




La obra «Xylor» (2019), de Em Rooney.




El reportaje de Jim Atkinson y John Bloom, «Love and death in Silicion Prairie, Part I: Candy Montgonmery´s affair», sobre el asesinato de Betty Gore. Publicado originalmente en enero de 1984 en la revista Texas Monthly. Aquí.

Un extracto:

«Without exception, each man who saw the lifeless body of Betty Gore the night of June 13, 1980, reflexively averted his eyes. Even those who already knew what lay beyond the utility room door were never bold enough to look more than a moment before closing the door. Few looked at the head at all—the sight was too horrible—so the early reports as to the manner of death were conflicting, and usually wrong.

It was a small room, no more than twelve feet long by six feet wide, made smaller by the presence of a washer, a dryer, a freezer, and a small cabinet where Betty had kept toys and knickknacks. In one corner were a brand-new toy wagon and a child’s training toilet. Closer to the center of the room, where the freezer stood against one wall, were two dog-food dishes and a bruised book of Mother Goose nursery rhymes. The book had a white cover, which stood out in sharp relief because, in the harsh overhead light that glared off the harvest-gold linoleum, it was one of the few objects in the room not coated in blood.»


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